White Glove, High Touch, Trustworthy Service.
Global Private VIP Banking
Global Private VIP Banking
Investing can be overwhelming. Being informed helps you make the right decisions with confidence. Our goal is to provide an understanding of all options and plans available.
We are the fastest growing Bank, and that is because we treat every customer with respect. We ensure that we are providing the right advice for you, your family, or your business.
With a free consultation, we can begin taking the right steps toward a secure future. With our years of experience, we take the hassle out of Financial planning with comprehensive services.
Banc.Trade All International Private banking Services.
Banc.Trade is Treasury Rated "A" as a Foreign Exchange Global Dealer. We Trade all Major Currencies, and do our Banking in all Major Currencies too!
Commercial And Government Entity. We can also provide Government Project Services such as Infrastructure Financing Underwriting.
Securities and Exchange Commission Filer. We also provide all Investment Banking Services to Issue Project Green Bonds.
We are a Global Member of the Bloomberg Financial Entity Identifier Program. This Identifies us to all Financial Institutions Worldwide.
We are also a Global Member of Financial Crimes Enforcement FinCEN-MSB.
We are Registered in Delaware since 2008.
We are both Registered as a Bank and Corporation in Europe. Giving us complete Global Coverage.
We are also Licensed to provide Full Service Stock Market & Foreign Exchange Trading; as well as, all 15 Global Exchanges. New York, the DOW, S&P 500, NASDAQ, London, France, Spain, Russia, Germany, Swiss, China, Hong Kong, Japan, EURO 50, & Australia 200.
In addition: We are Rated "A" by the USA Treasury as a Foreign Exchange Dealer, and provide over 75 pairs for Trading, and more than 50 different Currencies for International Banking transactions.
Our Exchange is Corporately Registered. This gives us a Worldwide Investment Footprint to better serve our VIP Clientele.
We are Registered in the St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Again, this gives us a Global coverage for any Investment opportunity; anywhere, anytime, anyplace.
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Do your Own Research
Our content is intended to be used and must be used for informational purposes only. It is very important to do your own analysis before making any investment based on your own personal circumstances. You should take independent financial advice from a professional in connection with, or independently research and verify, any information that you find on our Website and wish to rely upon, whether for the purpose of making and investment Decision or otherwise.
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